Mixed Attainment Maths Lessons
Understanding how to use the resources.
Mixed Attainment Teaching can be hugely rewarding for teachers and pupils when done correctly, but it can take us out of our comfort zone. I have concerns about sharing lesson resources without the opportunity to explain how they are used, which I would usually do in a workshop. If at all possible please watch the zoom recording of my online workshop below (sorry for the first few minutes where we are setting up, it was our very first online workshop) or listen to my Mr Barton Podcast. Although these are labelled as lessons in the folders, they are not PowerPoint lessons. They are resources and activities which can be used in a lesson, saved to a PowerPoint. They do not include slides of explanations as it is important that the teacher decides which explanations to provide to the whole class and which to provide to small groups or individuals. This does not mean that in a mixed attainment lesson there are no whole class teacher explanations; it means that the teacher decides which explanations to share based upon pupils' responses and contributions during the class discussion. The PowerPoints include ideas to hopefully prompt the rich classroom discussions in which methods are shared by both the teacher and the pupils. |
Task Choice and Pupil Self Regulation
The ethos of these lessons is that pupils regulate their learning in reference to their Learning Journeys (which for the purposes of my school are called Progress Maps to ensure consistency with other subjects in the school.) The use of Learning Journeys is fundamental to ensure that all pupils are supported and challenged. Pupils complete a mini assessment at the start of a unit of work to identify their start point on the Learning Journey. (The mini assessment is the set of questions included in the Learning Journey PowerPoint.) Pupils then choose their task each lesson based upon what they need to learn next in order to make progress. (It is very important that pupils do not all start on task one and work their way through the easier tasks in order to reach the harder tasks.) The teacher should encourage pupils to select tasks for themselves and foster a classroom culture in which pupils seek challenge. It remains the teacher's responsibility to monitor task choice and redirect pupils who have selected inappropriately. Pupils are assessed again at the end of each unit of work. We print our end of unit assessment tasks as A5 Booklets with a copy of the Learning Journey on the front cover. We can then compare the start of unit and end of unit Learning Journeys to track progress. |
These lessons open in google slides. In this format they are view only and tables and images are corrupted. Select file, download, then Microsoft PowerPoint to open these presentations in an uncorrupted and editable form.
Year 7 Lessons |
Year 8 Lessons |
Year 9 Lessons |
Please be aware that the resources in these lessons come from a variety of sources.
As they have been collated over time and as it was not my intention originally to share outside of my department, I did not keep a record of all of the sources. If you recognise any resources for which I have not acknowledged the source then please let me know and I will either acknowledge the source or delete the resource if requested. I have regularly used the following open access websites:- http://www.inquirymaths.org/ https://nrich.maths.org/ https://www.maths4everyone.com/ https://www.map.mathshell.org/ https://donsteward.blogspot.com/ https://mikeollerton.com/ https://mathsbot.com/ https://www.resourceaholic.com/ https://www.openmiddle.com/ https://numberloving.com/ https://www.makeemthinkmaths.com/home I highly recommend subscribing to MathsPad which is a great source for activities, many of which are included in our lesson resources https://www.mathspad.co.uk/
I also find https://mrcartermaths.com/ a useful source of differentiated questions, especially when setting cover for Mixed Attainment classes. |
I have also regularly used various resources shared by the following people on TES:-
Andy Lutwyche @andylutwyche Joshua Whiddon @whidds bcooper87 mistrym03 dannytheref @owen134866 Tristanjones Sharon Kelly @numberloving Laura Rees-Hughes @Laurareeshughes If you have any questions about any of the resource on this website please contact me:
Twitter @helenhindle1 Email [email protected] |