Teaching and learning mathematics in
On the 17th June 2017 we are holding the second mixed attainment maths conference. This is a conference for secondary school teachers of mathematics who are keen to develop ways of working with mixed-attainment groups.
The conference is being organised and supported by: Helen Hindle, Zeb Friedman, Tom Francome, Andrew Blair, Mike Ollerton, Hilary Povey, Leann de Belder, Sam Hoggard and Mark Horley and there will be further people to add to this list in the near future.
The first mixed-attainment mathematics teaching conference took place at the University of Birmingham in January 2017 and Sheffield Hallam University have kindly offered to house this second conference.
Workshops will be organised by people who are currently teaching, or who have taught mathematics in mixed-attainment classrooms from KS3 to KS4.
The intention is to share practices through active participation regarding strategies, ideas and resources for teaching in mixed-attainment classrooms.
The conference will be an opportunity for both those people who did attend and also those were not able to attend the first conference.
The aim of those organising the conference is: To help form a community of teachers who share a common belief in social justice and the value of not separating children into groups according to some notion of their (fixed) ‘ability.’
The conference is being organised and supported by: Helen Hindle, Zeb Friedman, Tom Francome, Andrew Blair, Mike Ollerton, Hilary Povey, Leann de Belder, Sam Hoggard and Mark Horley and there will be further people to add to this list in the near future.
The first mixed-attainment mathematics teaching conference took place at the University of Birmingham in January 2017 and Sheffield Hallam University have kindly offered to house this second conference.
Workshops will be organised by people who are currently teaching, or who have taught mathematics in mixed-attainment classrooms from KS3 to KS4.
The intention is to share practices through active participation regarding strategies, ideas and resources for teaching in mixed-attainment classrooms.
The conference will be an opportunity for both those people who did attend and also those were not able to attend the first conference.
The aim of those organising the conference is: To help form a community of teachers who share a common belief in social justice and the value of not separating children into groups according to some notion of their (fixed) ‘ability.’
Workshop Leaders:
Andrew Blair
Andrew is the leader of a mathematics department in Camden. @inquirymaths
Mike Ollerton
Mike is a Freelance mathematics education consultant. @MichaelOllerton
Mark Horley
Mark is a teacher in a Secondary School in London.
@mhorley Leann de Belder
Leann is a KS3 mathematics leader and teacher in London.
@LMPeters16 Hilary Povey
Professor Hilary Povey CE, BA (Hons), PhD, SFHEA Professor in Mathematics Education
Zeb Friedman
Zeb is a mathematics teacher in Wales and a mathematics education consultant. @zebfriedman
Helen Hindle
Helen is the leader of a mathematics department in Rainham, East London. @helenhindle1
Sam Hoggard
Sam is a Mathematics teacher in Oxford.
@Sam_Hoggard Tom Francome
Tom is a mathematics teacher and Lecturer in Secondary Mathematics at the University of Birmingham.
@TFrancome Colin Jackson
Colin is a teacher educator and researcher. He has recently left Sheffield Hallam University.